Mercury Press is delighted to feature the book In Love with Earth by environmental legal pioneer Marc McGinnes in our catalog for 2019. We're grateful for the great press the book has received since its launch. Thank you to the KCSB News and Sports community radio for featuring Marc on August 13th, 2019, in this 22-minute interview hosted by Dylan Lewis. Marc reads the epilogue of In Love With Earth: Testimonies and Heartsongs of an Environmental Elder and discusses the importance of maintaining and instilling hope in the face of environmental devastation. Listen to this interview here on SoundCloud.

Thank you as well to KCRW for publishing the article“New book follows the birth of the environmental movement”and featuring Marc on The 805 podcast. In this podcast episode hosted by Jonathan Bastian, Marc discusses the Santa Barbara oil spill that encouraged Marc to enter an emerging opportunity: environmental law. Marc also describes his journey of rekindling hope to become better able to inspire hope in others. 

On April 23, 2019, The Santa Barbara Independent graciously featured an excerpt of Marc's book, In Love with Earth, in their Earth Day issue. This excerpt details the important moment that changed Marc’s life forever, setting him on a new course to pursue environmental law. After the Santa Barbara oil spill blowout of 1969, Marc was encouraged by his friend, Rep. Pete McCloskey to change the focus of his career to protecting the environment. Thank you to The Santa Barbara Independent for this lovely feature. 



Nancy Black


Over 25 years in media and publishing